Working Hours and Salary Main Drivers for Career Change

A poll undertaken by the Oxford Open Learning Trust has revealed that working hours are just as important as salary when it comes to seeking a new job.

The poll of 2,000 adults explored the main motivations that drive people to career change. It found that money was, predictably, the main reason for job moves, accounting for 64 per cent. However, 55 per cent said that working hours were important. This figure indicates that people are now more likely to seek a healthy work-life balance and will therefore look for roles that fit in with their lifestyles.

Enjoyment of a role was also considered important. Whilst the money side of things is always going to be a key consideration for job seekers, 50 per cent are clear that they would be prepared to put their personal interests and enjoyment first.

Job security was cited by 40 per cent of respondents as a key consideration when seeking a new position, and working environment by 37 per cent.

Generally, the poll revealed that 28 per cent of British workers are looking to change jobs within the next ten years, whilst 13 per cent are potentially considering new careers within the next four years. Three in five are prepared to retrain to land the career that fits with their key objectives.

Courses director and founder of the Oxford Open Learning Trust Dr Nick Smith says: ‘People often see the start of the year as a good opportunity to start afresh and plan for a brighter future. Moving jobs is one way of achieving a lifestyle shift and it’s really interesting to see the main reasons why people are looking to make such changes.

‘While money is always going to be an important consideration, it is pleasing to see that the nation is looking after their own interests too, with things like location and enjoyment listed highly.’

If you are recruiting new staff, it is wise to take the results of this poll into consideration, bearing in mind the importance placed on various factors by job seekers.

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