Now the UK’s threat level has been raised to critical, businesses really should be listening to the Government’s advice to develop a ‘dynamic lockdown’ strategy. Here we look at what a dynamic lockdown strategy involves and how you can go about preparing one.
What is Dynamic Lockdown?
Dynamic lockdown is a system of procedures focused on dynamically locking down premises in response to a fast moving attack happening either on the premises or in the immediate surrounding area.
Lots of businesses and public buildings are employing these procedures with the aim of protecting their premises and the people in or near them should an emergency situation arise.
What is the Aim of Dynamic Lockdown?
The objective of dynamic lockdown is to impede access by unwanted intruders and to prevent anyone who happens to be inside, such as workers or visitors, moving way from the zone of safety. Businesses that are located in areas of high public footfall are also making provision for offering their premises as a safe haven for people passing by who may be seeking shelter during an incident. This actually happened amongst various pubs and restaurants during the recent attack in London who took people in and locked down the premises until the danger had passed.
What Does a Dynamic Lockdown Strategy Involve?
In developing a dynamic lockdown strategy you will need to consider how to swiftly lock down all access and egress points. This includes doors, gates and windows plus loft hatches, skylights, basements and ducts. It is important to combine safety with flexibility so that there is a contingency should a need for evacuation arise. Both physical and electronic security measures should be included together with a strategy for zoning off areas of the property so that separate areas can be locked down independently.
The strategy should also allow for staff education so that everyone is aware of how dynamic lockdown works in practice. Teaching staff to be vigilant is also a wise move so that they know the reporting procedure for suspicious behaviour. The entire strategy should be planned in conjunction with security professionals.
We join the nation in expressing our sadness and concern over the recent events. From a practical perspective we should be looking at doing whatever we can to help secure ourselves, those we work with and everyone in the vicinity of our premises.